Hey guys! This is me – welcome to my blog.
My name is Victoria.
Storytelling has always been a passion of mine. Since I was seven I have dreamed of living my life like the adventures I used to read about in the Magic Treehouse books. I recently decided that traveling and navigating the real world is worth writing about, too, even though there’s no dinosaurs or medieval knights.
I also dreamed about being a musician, a poet, writing my own books and being a park ranger (we’ll have to see about the last one). I’m inspired by people like Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Irwin, Alicia Keys, and a lot of other people, too. I have not always been that person who does everything they say they are going to do, but I have always naturally possessed an over-active imagination, and a knack for getting myself in and out of troublesome situations. My dream now is to become a better person than I was yesterday, and to finally be that person who does everything they say they will do. I surprisingly have to rely on myself a lot now. Traveling is not just an endless opportunity for good laughs and adventures, but it always provides me with the opportunity to reflect, get inspired, and create something new.
I grew up with three older brothers near the berry fields, between the Puget Sound and the beautiful Mt. Baker, a bit north of Seattle, WA – but I have not really lived there for about seven years now (since I was sixteen). I miss it sometimes, but home to me now is more than just a place I grew up.
In September 2017, I booked a flight from that small town in the state of Washington to the bustling city of Melbourne, Australia – I never looked back. It was my second time leaving the North American continent to go traveling (I was in Europe for a hot second after graduating high school), except this time was different. I had no return flight booked.
So here I am, in Australia writing this blog late at night to share my stories.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.